1975 - Present
1. N. M. Amer, T.-C. Chiang, and Y. R. Shen, "Two-magnon resonant Raman scattering in MnF2," Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 1454 (1975).
2. N. M. Amer, T.-C. Chiang, and Y. R. Shen, "Reply to comment on 'Two-magnon resonant Raman scattering in MnF2'," Phys. Rev. Lett. 36, 1102 (1976).
3. N. M. Amer, T.-C. Chiang, and Y. R. Shen, "Two-magnon resonant Raman scattering in antiferromagnetic MnF2," Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Light Scatt. Solids, edited by M. Balkanski, R. C. C. Leite, and S. P. S. Porto (Campinas, Brazil, 1975) 68-71 (Flammarion, Paris, 1976).
4. J. Camassel, T.-C. Chiang, Y. R. Shen, J. P. Voitchovsky, and N. M. Amer, "Multiphonon resonant Raman Scattering in GaSe," Solid State Commun. 19, 483 (1976).
5. T.-C. Chiang, J. Camassel, Y. R. Shen, and J. P. Voichovsky, "Resonant Raman scattering in mixed GaSxSe1-x Crystals," Solid State Commun. 19, 157 (1976).
6. T.-C. Chiang, J. Camassel, J. P. Voitchovsky, and Y. R. Shen, "Resonant Raman scattering in GaSe and GaSxSe1-x Crystals," Il Nuovo Cimento 38B, 301 (1977).
7. T.-C. Chiang, P. R. Salvi, J. Davies, and Y. R. Shen, "Multi-magnon luminescence sidebands in antiferromagnets," Solid State Commun. 26, 527 (1978).
8. T.-C. Chiang, P. R. Salvi, J. Davies, and Y. R. Shen, "One-magnon luminescence sidebands of the excitonic transition in MnF2," Solid State Commun. 26, 217 (1978).
9. T.-C. Chiang, J. Dumas, and Y. R. Shen, "Brillouin scattering in the layer compound GaSe," Solid State Commun. 28, 173 (1978).
10. T.-C. Chiang, J. A. Knapp, D. E. Eastman, and M. Aono, "Angle-resolved photoemission and valence band dispersions E(k) for GaAs: direct versus indirect models," Solid State Commun. 31, 917 (1979).
11. M. Aono, T.-C. Chiang, J. A. Knapp, T. Tanaka, and D. E. Eastman, "Experimental band dispersions E(k) along three main symmetry lines of LaB6 using angle-resolved photoemission from one crystal surface," Solid State Commun. 32, 271 (1979).
12. M. Aono, T.-C. Chiang, J. A. Knapp, T. Tanaka, and D. E. Eastman, "Direct recombination and Auger deexcitation channels of La 4d-4f resonant excitations in LaB6," Phys. Rev. B 21, 2661 (1980).
13. T.-C. Chiang, J. A. Knapp, M. Aono, and D. E. Eastman, "Angle-resolved photoemission, valence band dispersions E(k), and electron and hole lifetimes for GaAs," Phys. Rev. B 21, 3513 (1980).
14. M. Iwan, E. E. Koch, T.-C. Chiang, D. E. Eastman, and F. J. Himpsel, "Multielectron effects in photoemission from quasi-atomic copper in Cu- phthalocyanine," Solid State Commun. 34, 57 (1980).
15. T.-C. Chiang and D. E. Eastman, "Experimental energy band dispersions, critical points, and spin-orbit splitting for GaSb using angle-resolved photoemission," Phys. Rev. B 22, 2940 (1980).
16. M. Iwan, E. E. Koch, T.-C. Chiang, and F. J. Himpsel, "Observation of the resonant two-hole bound state at the 3p-core threshold in Zn and Zn-phthalocyanine," Phys. Lett. 76A, 177 (1980).
17. T.-C. Chiang and D. E. Eastman, "Resonant photoemission shake-up and Auger processes in Ga and GaP," Phys. Rev. B 21, 5749 (1980).
18. G. Kaindl, T.-C. Chiang, D. E. Eastman, and F. J. Himpsel, "Distance-dependent relaxation shifts of photoemission and Auger energies for Xe on Pd(001)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1808 (1980).
19. D. E. Eastman, T.-C. Chiang, P. Heimann, and F. J. Himpsel, "Surface core level binding energy shifts for GaAs(110) and GaSb(110)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 656 (1980).
20. G. Kaindl, T.-C. Chiang, D. E. Eastman, and F. J. Himpsel, "Layer dependent core level shifts for rare-gas adsorbates on metals," Ordering in Two Dimensions, ed. by S. K. Sinha, 99-105 (North Holland, 1980).
21. T.-C. Chiang, D. E. Eastman, F. J. Himpsel, G. Kaindl, and M. Aono, "Observation of the transition from uncollapsed to collapsed excited f-wave functions in I-, Xe, and Cs+ via giant PCI Auger effect," Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1846 (1980).
22. T.-C. Chiang, G. Kaindl, and D. E. Eastman, "Photoemission from physisorbed CO on clean and Xe-covered Al(111)," Solid State Commun. 36, 25 (1980).
23. F. J. Himpsel, P. Heimann, T.-C. Chiang, and D. E. Eastman, "Geometry-dependent Si(2p) surface core level excitations for Si(111) and Si(100) surfaces," Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 1112 (1980).
24. M. Aono, T.-C. Chiang, F. J. Himpsel, and D. E. Eastman, "Delayed onset of 4d photoemission relative to the giant 4d photoabsorption of La," Solid State Commun. 37, 471 (1981).
25. T.-C. Chiang and D. E. Eastman, "Core level shift at a jellium surface: Al(001)," Phys. Rev. B 23, 6836 (1981).
26. M. Aono, F. J. Himpsel, T.-C. Chiang, J. H. Weaver, and D. E. Eastman, "Anomalous two-electron Auger resonance in thorium near the 5d(O5) photothreshold," Solid State Commun. 39, 1057 (1981).
27. T.-C. Chiang, G. Kaindl, and D. E. Eastman, "Photoemission studies of Ar, Kr, and Xe adsorbed on Al(111): dipole moments, polarizabilities, and spatial distributions ," Solid State Commun. 41, 661 (1982).
28. G. Kaindl, T.-C. Chiang, and D. E. Eastman, "Inversion kinetics for Kr/Xe bilayers on palladium," Phys. Rev. B 25, 7846 (1982).
29. R. Ludeke, T.-C. Chiang, and D. E. Eastman, "Crystallographic relationships and interfacial properties of Ag on GaAs(100) surfaces," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 21, 599 (1982).
30. T.-C. Chiang, R. Ludeke, and D. E. Eastman, "Photoemission studies of AlxGa1-xAs(100) surfaces grown by molecular beam epitaxy," Phys. Rev. B 25, 6518 (1982).
31. *T.-C. Chiang, G. Kaindl, F. J. Himpsel, and D. E. Eastman, "Photoemission spectroscopy of surfaces and adsorbates," (invited talk) Proc. Int. Conf. X-ray and Atomic Inner-shell Phys., Eugene, Oregon (1982), AIP Conf. Proceedings, No. 94, edited by B. Crasemann (AIP, New York, 1982) pp. 759-771.
32. R. Ludeke, T.-C. Chiang, and D. E. Eastman, "Core level photoemission studies of MBE-grown semiconductor surfaces," Physica 117B &118B, 819 (1983).
33. T.-C. Chiang, R. Ludeke, M. Aono, G. Landgren, F. J. Himpsel, and D. E. Eastman, "Angle-resolved photoemission studies of GaAs(100) surfaces grown by molecular beam epitaxy," Phys. Rev. B 27, 4770 (1983).
34. R. Ludeke, T.-C. Chiang, and T. Miller, "Shottky barrier formation of Ag on GaAs(110)," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1, 581 (1983).
35. T. Miller, E. Rosenwinkel, and T.-C. Chiang, "Surface core-level shifts for Ge(100)-(2x1)," Solid State Commun. 47, 935 (1983).
36. G. Kaindl, T.-C. Chiang, and T. Mandel, "Surface effects on energies of Auger electrons from Xe(111)," Phys. Rev. B 28, 3612 (1983).
37. *T.-C. Chiang, "Core level photoelectron spectroscopy of surfaces and adsorbates," Comments on Atomic and Molecular Physics 13, 299 (1983).
38. T. Miller, E. Rosenwinkel, and T.-C. Chiang, "The adsorption of Ag on Ge(100)-(2x1)," Solid State Commun. 50, 327 (1984).
39. J. P. Stott, S. L. Hulbert, F. C. Brown, B. Bunker, T.-C. Chiang, T. Miller, and K. H. Tan, "Core excitons at the K edge of LiF," Phys. Rev. B 30, 2163 (1984).
40. T. Miller and T.-C. Chiang, "Solid state screening effect on the post-collision interaction," Phys. Rev. B 29, 1121 (1984).
41. A. L. Wachs, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Angle-resolved photoemission studies of epitaxial Ag films on Si(111)-(7x7)," Phys. Rev. B 29, 2286 (1984).
42. T. Miller and T.-C. Chiang, "Initial oxidation of GaAs(110) – a core level photoemission study," Phys. Rev. B 29, 7034 (1984).
43. T. Miller, E. Rosenwinkel, and T.-C. Chiang, "Studies of the Ag-Ge(100) interface," Phys. Rev. B 30, 570 (1984).
44. T. C. Hsieh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Angle-resolved photoemission studies of Ge(001)-(2x1)," Phys. Rev. B 30, 7005 (1984).
45. T. Miller, A. P. Shapiro, and T.-C. Chiang, "Refraction and diffraction of photoelectrons at the Ge(001) surface," Phys. Rev. B 31, 7915 (1985).
46. A. L. Wachs, T. Miller, T. C. Hsieh, A. P. Shapiro, and T.-C. Chiang, "Angle-resolved photoemission studies of Ge(111)-c(2x8), Ge(111)-(1x1)H, Si(111)-(7x7), and Si(100)-(2x1)," Phys. Rev. B 32, 2326 (1985).
47. T. C. Hsieh, A. P. Shipiro, and T.-C. Chiang, "Core level shifts for Au epitaxial overlayers on Ag," Phys. Rev. B 31, 2541 (1985).
48. P. Shapiro, A. L. Wachs, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Comparing the band structure of Ag(111) monolayers on Ni(111) and Ni(001)," Solid State Commun. 55, 1101 (1985).
49. T. C. Hsieh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Probing the wave function of a surface state in Ag(111): a new approach," Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 2483 (1985).
50. T. C. Hsieh and T.-C. Chiang, "Spatial dependence and binding energy shift of surface states for epitaxial overlayers of Au on Ag(111) and Ag on Au(111)," Surf. Sci. 166, 554 (1986).
51. P. Shapiro, A. L. Wachs, and T.-C. Chiang, "Angle-resolved photoemission studies of a surface state for Ag overlayers on Cu(111)," Solid State Commun. 58, 121 (1986).
52. T. C. Hsieh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Subsurface core level shifts for an Au monolayer buried in Ag(111)," Phys. Rev. B 33, 2865 (1986).
53. T.-C. Chiang, G. Kaindl, and T. Mandel, "Layer-resolved shifts of photoemission and Auger spectra from physisorbed rare gas multilayers," Phys. Rev. B 33, 695 (1986).
54. A. L. Wachs, A. P. Shapiro, T. C. Hsieh, and T.-C. Chiang, "Observation of film states and surface-state precursors for Ag films on Si(111)," Phys. Rev. B 33, 1460 (1986).
55. T. Miller, T. C. Hsieh, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission study of Si(111)-Ge(5x5) surfaces," Phys. Rev. B 33, 6983 (1986).
56. T. Miller, T. C. Hsieh, P. John, A. P. Shapiro, A. L. Wachs, and T.-C. Chiang, "Strain-induced metal-insulator transition of the Ge(111) surface," Phys. Rev. B 33, 4421 (1986).
57. A. L. Wachs, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Evidence for germanium segregation on thin films of Ag on Ge(111)," Phys. Rev. B 33, 8870 (1986).
58. P. John, T. Miller, T. C. Hsieh, A. P. Shapiro, A. L. Wachs, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission studies of CdTe(100) and the Ag-CdTe(100) interface: surface structure, growth behavior, Schottky barrier, and surface photovoltage," Phys. Rev B 34, 6704 (1986).
59. P. Shapiro, A. L. Wachs, T. C. Hsieh, T. Miller, P. John, and T.-C. Chiang, "A photoemission study of Ag monolayer systems: effects of the substrate," Phys. Rev. B 34, 7425 (1986).
60. T. C. Hsieh, P. John, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Resonances in the photoemission cross section of a surface state," Phys. Rev. B 35, 3728 (1987).
61. R. V. Kasowski, W. Y. Hsu, A. W. Sleight, A. L. Wachs, A. P. Shapiro, T.-C. Chiang, and M.-H. Tsai, "Ab initio electronic structure of the pyrochlore compounds Pb2Ru2O7 and Bi2Ru2O7 computed with the pseudofunction method," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. (Ternary and Multinary Compounds), edited by S. K. Deb and A. Zunger (Pittsburgh, 1987), pp. 533-536.
62. A. L. Wachs, T. Miller, A. P. Shapiro, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission studies of the initial adsorption and growth of Ag and Au on Ge and Si," Phys. Rev. B 35, 5514 (1987).
63. D. H. Rich, A. Samsavar, T. Miller, H. F. Lin, T.-C. Chiang, J.-E. Sundgren, and J. E. Greene, "Coordination determination of In on Si(100) from synchrotron photoemission studies," Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 579 (1987).
64. A. L. Wachs, T. Miller, A. Shapiro, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission studies of the initial adsorption and growth of Ag on Ge(111)," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 94 (Initial Stages of Epitaxial Growth), edited by R. Hull, J. M. Gibson, and D. A. Smith (Pittsburgh, 1987), pp. 225-229.
65. D. H. Rich, A. Samsavar, T. Miller, H. F. Lin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Structural analysis and electronic properties of In on Si(100) from synchrotron photoemission studies," Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 94 (Initial Stages of Epitaxial Growth), edited by R. Hull, J. M. Gibson, and D. A. Smith (Pittsburgh, 1987), pp. 219-224.
66. P. John, F. Leibsle, T. Miller, T. C. Hsieh, and T.-C. Chiang, "Investigations of the Sb/CdTe(100) interfacial structure with photoemission," Superlattices and Microstructures 3, 347 (1987).
67. F. C. Brown, T.-C. Chiang, T. A. Friedmann, D. M. Ginsberg, G. N. Kwawer, and T. Miller, "Photoemission Spectroscopy of YBa2Cu3O6+x," J. Low Temp. Phys. 69, 151 (1987).
68. *T.-C. Chiang, "Core level photoemission studies of surfaces, interfaces, and overlayers," CRC Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 14, 269 (1988).
69. *T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic properties and growth behaviors of noble-metal surfaces and epitaxial structures," (invited talk) Metallic Multilayers and Epitaxy, Proceedings of the Metallurgical Society, edited by M. Hong and D. C. Gubser, pp. 167-184 (1988).
70. D. H. Rich, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Possibility of charge transfer between dimer atoms on Si(100)-(2x1)," Phys. Rev. B 37, 3124 (1988).
71. P. Shapiro, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Angle-resolved photoemission studies of a surface state on a stepped Cu(332) surface," Phys. Rev. B 38, 1779 (1988).
72. P. Shapiro, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Initial growth modes of Ag on Ni(100) and Ni(111) determined by planimetry with adsorbed CO," Phys. Rev. B 37, 3996 (1988).
73. D. H. Rich, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Absolute determination of surface core level emission for Ge(100)-(2x1) and Ge(111)-c(2x8)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 357 (1988).
74. A. Samsavar, T. Miller, T.-C. Chiang, B. G. Pazol, T. A. Friedmann, and D. M. Ginsberg, "Photoemission studies of high-temperature superconductors YBa2Cu3O7- , GdBa2Cu3O7- , and EuBa2Cu3O7- ," Phys. Rev. B 37, 5164 (1988).
75. D. H. Rich, T. Miller, A. Samsavar, H. F. Lin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Adsorption and growth of Sn on Si(100) from synchrotron photoemission studies," Phys. Rev. B 37, 10221 (1988).
76. W. Y. Hsu, R. Y. Kasowsky, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Band structure of metallic pyrochlore ruthenates Bi2Ru2O7 and Pb2Ru2O6.5," Appl. Phys. Lett. 52, 792 (1988).
77. P. Shapiro, T. C. Hsieh, A. L. Wachs, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Band dispersions of Ag(111) monolayers on various substrates," Phys. Rev. B 38, 7394 (1988).
78. A. Samsavar, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Determination of the bonding and growth of Ag on Si(100)-(2x1)," Phys. Rev. B 38, 9889 (1988).
79. F. M. Leibsle, A. Samsavar, and T.-C. Chiang, "Oxidation of Si(111)-(7x7) as studied by scanning tunneling microscopy," Phys. Rev. B 38, 5780 (1988).
80. T. Miller, A. Samsavar, G. E. Franklin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum-well states in a metallic system: Ag on Au(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 1404 (1988).
81. *T.-C. Chiang and F. J. Himpsel, "Band structure and core levels of tetrahedrally-bonded semiconductors," in Electronic Structure of Solids-Photoemission Spectra and Related Data, edited by A. Goldmann and E. E. Koch, Landolt-Börnstein, New Series, Group III,Vol. 23a (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989) pp. 10-112.
82. P. John, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "InSb(100) reconstructions probed with core-level photoemission," Phys. Rev. B 39, 1730 (1989).
83. P. John, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Core-level photoemission studies of the Sn/InSb(100) system," Phys. Rev. B 39, 3223 (1989).
84. D. H. Rich, A. Samsavar, T. Miller, F. M. Leibsle, and T.-C. Chiang, "Degenerating doping and conduction-band properties of Si studied by synchrotron photoemission of Sb/Si(100)," Phys. Rev. B 40, 3469 (1989).
85. D. H. Rich, T. Miller, G. E. Franklin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Sb-induced bulk band transitions in Si(111) and Si(001) observed in synchrotron photoemission studies," Phys. Rev. B 39, 1438 (1989).
86. T. Miller, M. Mueller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Band folding and energy-gap formation in Ag-Au superlattices," Phys. Rev. B 40, 1301 (1989).
87. *T.-C. Chiang, "Synchrotron photoemission studies of surfaces and overlayers," (invited talk) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 143, 55 (1989).
88. D. H. Rich, F. M. Leibsle, A. Samsavar, E. S. Hirschorn, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Adsorption and interaction of Sb on Si(001) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and core-level photoemission," Phys. Rev. B 39, 12758 (1989).
89. M. A. Mueller, A. Samsavar, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Probing interfacial properties with Bloch electrons," Phys. Rev. B 40, 5845 (1989).
90. D. H. Rich, G. E. Franklin, F. M. Leibsle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Synchrotron photoemission studies of the Sb-passivated Si surfaces: degenerate doping and bulk band dispersions," Phys. Rev. B 40, 11804 (1989).
91. A. Samsavar, E. S. Hirschorn, F. M. Leibsle, and T.-C. Chiang, "Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of Ag on Si(100)-(2x1)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 2830 (1989).
92. A. Samsavar, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission determination of the final-band dispersion in Ag(111)," J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2, 1141 (1990).
93. D. H. Rich, A. Samsavar, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Adsorbate-to-Si(100) bonding coordination numbers and structural determinations from synchrotron photoemission studies," Phys. Scr. 41, 83 (1990).
94. *T. Miller, A. Samsavar, M. Mueller, G. Franklin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic states of metallic superlattices and quantum wells," Phys. Scr. T 31, 35 (1990).
95. D. H. Rich, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic and chemical properties of In and Sb adsorbed on Ge(001) studied by synchrotron photoemission," Phys. Rev. B 41, 3004 (1990).
96. M. A. Mueller, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Determination of the bulk band structure of Ag in Ag/Cu(111) quantum-well systems," Phys. Rev. B 41, 5214 (1990).
97. A. Samsavar, E. S. Hirschorn, T. Miller, F. M. Leibsle, J. A. Eades, and T.-C. Chiang, "High-resolution imaging of a dislocation on Cu(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1607 (1990).
98. G. E. Fraklin, D. H. Rich, A. Samsavar, E. S. Hirschorn, F. M. Leibsle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission and scanning tunneling microscopy study of GaSb(100)," Phys. Rev. B 41, 12619 (1990).
99. A. Samsavar, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Correlation between surface core levels and surface states in Si(111)-(7x7) probed by Ag adsorption," Phys. Rev. B 42, 9245 (1990).
100. M. A. Mueller, E. S. Hirschorn, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Minimum overlayer thickness for interface formation: an experimental study of the Cu/Ag/Cu(111) system," Phys. Rev. B 43, 11825 (1991).
101. E. S. Hirschorn, D. S. Lin, F. M. Leibsle, A. Samsavar, and T.-C. Chiang, "Charge transfer and asymmetry on Ge(111)-c(2x8) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy," Phys. Rev. B 44, 1403 (1991).
102. E. S. Hirschorn, F. M. Leibsle, and T.-C. Chiang, "Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of the oxidation of Ge(111)-c(2x8)," Phys. Rev. B 44, 5603 (1991).
103. F. M. Leibsle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Adsorption of Sb on Ge(110)," Phys. Rev. B 44, 8115 (1991).
104. D. S. Lin, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Bonding of Cs on Si and Ge surfaces studied by core-level spectroscopy," Phys. Rev. B 44, 10719 (1991).
105. D.-S. Lin, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Dimer charge asymmetry determined by photoemission from epitaxial Ge on Si(100)-(2x1)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 2187 (1991).
106. J. A. Carlisle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Atomic origins of surface core levels on Si(111)-(7x7) studied by site-dependent Ge substitution," Phys. Rev. B 45, 3811 (1992).
107. G. E. Franklin, D. H. Rich, H. Hong, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Interfacial formation and growth of InSb on Si(100)," Phys. Rev. B 45, 3426 (1992).
108. D.-S. Lin, E. S. Hirschorn, T.-C. Chiang, R. Tsu, D. Lubben, and J. E. Greene, "Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of disilane adsorption and pyrolytic growth on Si(100)-(2x1)," Phys. Rev. B 45, 3494 (1992).
109. Hawoong Hong, R. D. Aburano, D.-S. Lin, Haydn Chen, T.-C. Chiang, P. Zschack, and E. D. Specht, "X-ray scattering study of Ag/Si(111) buried interface structures," Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 507 (1992).
110. J. A. Carlisle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission study of the growth, desorption, Schottky-barrier formation, and atomic structure of Pb on Si(111)," Phys. Rev. B 45, 3400 (1992).
111. G. E. Franklin, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Growth phases of ZnTe on GaSb(100)," Phys. Rev. B 46, 3940 (1992).
112. T. Miller and T.-C. Chiang, "Study of a surface state in a Ag-Au superlattice gap," Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3339 (1992).
113. Hawoong Hong, Richard Aburano, D.-S. Lin, T.-C. Chiang, Haydn Chen, P. Zschack, and E. D. Specht, "Change of Si(111) surface reconstruction under noble metal films," J. Mat. Res. Soc. 238, 387 (1992).
114. W. E. McMahon, E. S. Hirschorn, and T.-C. Chiang, "Scanning tunneling microscopy study of a Ag monolayer on Cu(111)," Surf. Sci. Lett. 279, L231 (1992).
115. D.-S. Lin, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Si indiffusion on Ge(100)-(2x1) studied by core-level photoemission," Phys. Rev. B 45, 11415 (1992).
116. H. Hong, W. E. McMahon, P. Zschack, D.-S. Lin, R. D. Aburano, H. Chen, and T.-C. Chiang, "C60 encapsulation of the Si(111)-(7x7) surface," Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 3127 (1992).
117. D.-S. Lin, J. A. Carlisle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Reply to comments on "dimer charge asymmetry determined by photoemission from epitaxial Ge on Si(100)-(2x1)"," Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 550 (1992).
118. *T.-C. Chiang, "Core level photoemission studies of surfaces," Phys. Bimonthly 14 (6), 587-592 (1992).
119. R. Tsu, D. Lubben, T. R. Bramblett, J. E. Greene, D.-S. Lin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Adsorption and dissociation of Si2H6 on Ge(001)2x1," Surf. Sci. 280, 265 (1993).
120. H. Hong, R. D. Aburano, E. S. Hirschorn, P. Zschack, H. Chen, and T.-C. Chiang, "Interaction of (1x2)-reconstructed Si(100) and Ag(110):Cs with C60 overlayers," Phys. Rev. B 47, 6450 (1993).
121. J. A. Carlisle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission study of Pb on Ge(111)," Phys. Rev. B 47, 3790 (1993).
122. D.-S. Lin, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Adsorption and thermal reactions of disilane and the growth of Si films on Ge(100)-(2x1)," Phys. Rev. B 47, 6543 (1993).
123. J. A. Carlisle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "An angle-resolved photoemission study of the submonolayer phases of Pb on Ge(111)," Phys. Rev. B 47, 10342 (1993).
124. R. Tsu, D.-S. Lin, J. E. Greene, and T.-C. Chiang, "Ge segregation and surface roughening during Si growth on Ge(001)2x1 by gas source molecular beam epitaxy from Si2H6,"Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 280, 281 (1993).
125. E. S. Hirschorn, T. Miller, M. Sieger, and T.-C. Chiang, "Atomic exchange and growth of Au on Ag(110)," Surf. Sci. Lett. 295, L1045 (1993).
126. W. E. McMahon, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Avoided crossings of Au(111)/Ag/Au/Ag double-quantum-well states," Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 907 (1993).
127. D.-S. Lin, T. Miller, T.-C. Chiang, R. Tsu, and J. E. Greene, "Thermal reactions of disilane on Si(100) studied by synchrotron-radiation photoemission," Phys. Rev. B 48, 11846 (1993).
128. J. A. Carlisle, M. T. Sieger, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Extended photoemission fine structure analysis of the Si(111)-(7x7) surface core levels," Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2955 (1993).
129. D.-S. Lin, Hawoong Hong, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Growth and atomic structure of epitaxial Si films on Ge(111)," Surf. Sci. 312, 213 (1994).
130. R. Tsu, H. Z. Xiao, Y.-W. Kim, M.-A. Hasan, H. K. Birnbaum, J. E. Greene, D.-S. Lin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Surface segregation and growth-mode transitions during the initial stages of Si growth on Ge(001)2x1 by cyclic gas-source molecular beam epitaxy from Si2H6," J. Appl. Phys. 75, 240 (1994).
131. D.-S. Lin, E. S. Hirschorn, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Adsorption, thermal reaction, and desorption of disilane on Ge(111)-c(2x8)," Phys. Rev. B 49, 1836 (1994).
132. W. E. McMahon, M. A. Mueller, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Controlled electronic coupling between two quantum wells - a photoemission study of noble metal systems," Phys. Rev. B 49, 10426 (1994).
133. J. A. Carlisle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Ge chemisorption and alloying on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface," Phys. Rev. B 49, 13600 (1994).
134. T.-C. Chiang, T. Miller, and W. E. McMahon, "Ag-Au superlattice band structure," Phys. Rev. B 50, 11102 (1994).
135. *J. A. Carlisle, M. T. Sieger, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Fine structure in core level photoemission intensities, a study of the Si(111)-(7x7) surface," Mod. Phys. Lett. B 8, 1889 (1994).
136. *W. E. McMahon, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "A theoretical and experimental study of electronic confinement, coupling, and translayer interaction in noble-metal quantum-well structures," Mod. Phys. Lett. B 8, 1075-1096 (1994).
137. T. Miller, A. Samsavar, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoexcitation of resonances in Ag films on Ni(111)," Phys. Rev. B 50, 17686 (1994).
138. J. A. Carlisle, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Reply to comment on "Extended photoemission fine structure analysis of Si(111)-(7x7) surface core levels"," Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3741 (1994).
139. M. T. Sieger, J. M. Roesler, D.-S. Lin, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Holography of Ge(111)-c(2x8) by surface core-level photoemission," Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 3117 (1994).
140. E. S. Hirschorn, D. S. Lin, E. D. Hansen, and T.-C. Chiang, "Atomic burrowing and hole formation for Au growth on Ag(110)," Surf. Sci. Lett. 323, L299 (1995).
141. Z. H. Lu, S. P. Tay, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Process dependence of the SiO2/Si(100) interface structure," J. Appl. Phys. 77, 4110 (1995).
142. R. D. Aburano, Hawoong Hong, J. M. Roesler, D.-S. Lin, T.-C. Chiang, and P. Zschack, "X-ray study of the Ag/Si(111) interface," Surf. Sci. Lett. 339, L891 (1995).
143. J. M. Roesler, M. T. Sieger, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoelectron holography of Pb/Si(111)-(3× 3)R30 –ß," Surf. Sci. Lett. 329, L588 (1995).
144. R. D. Aburano, H. Hong, J. M. Roesler, K. Chung, D.-S. Lin, P. Zschack, H. Chen, and T.-C. Chiang, "Boundary structure determination of Ag/Si(111) interfaces by X-ray diffraction," Phys. Rev. B 52, 1839 (1995).
145. M. T. Sieger, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Reflection high energy electron diffraction and photoemission study of GaSb(100) reconstructions," Phys. Rev. B 52, 8256 (1995).
146. M. T. Sieger, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Site-dependent fine structure in photoemission branching ratios," Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 2043 (1995).
147. H. Hong, R. D. Aburano, K.-S. Chung, D.-S. Lin, E. S. Hirschorn, T.-C. Chiang, and H. Chen, "X-ray truncation rod study of Ge(001) surface roughening by molecular beam homoepitaxial growth," J. Appl. Phys. 79, 6858 (1996).
148. J. M. Roesler, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Structure determination of ordered 1/3-monolayer Pb on Ge(111) by photoelectron holography," Surf. Sci. 348, 161 (1996).
149. M. T. Sieger, D. A. Luh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission extended fine structure study of the SiO2/Si(111) interface," Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2758 (1996).
150. W. E. McMahon, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic Properties of the leaky quantum well system Ag(111)/Au/Ag," Phys. Rev. B 54, 10800 (1996).
151. T. Miller, W. E. McMahon, and T.-C. Chiang, "Interference between bulk and surface photoemission transitions in Ag(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1167 (1996).
152. T. Miller, E. D. Hansen, W. E. McMahon, and T.-C. Chiang, "Direct transitions, indirect transitions, and surface photoemission in the prototypical system Ag(111)," Surf. Sci. 376, 32 (1997).
153. D.-A. Luh, M. T. Sieger, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Sb on Si(111) studied by branching-ratio photoelectron holography," Surf. Sci. 374, 345 (1997).
154. E. D. Hansen, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Surface photoemission in Ag(100)," Phys. Rev. B 55, 1871 (1997).
155. *D.-S. Lin, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Atomic-level investigation of the growth of Si/Ge by UHV CVD," J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 15, 919 (1997).
156. E. D. Hansen, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum-well or bulklike behavior of Cu layers on Co," J. Phys. Cond. Matter 9, L435 (1997).
157. E. D. Hansen, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Overlayer test of surface photoemission effect in Cu(100)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2807 (1997).
158. D.-A. Luh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Statistical cross-linking at the Si(111)/SiO2 interface," Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3014 (1997).
159. J. M. Roesler, M. T. Sieger, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "New experimental technique of photoelectron holography applied to Bi trimers on Si(111)," Surf. Sci. Lett. 380, L485 (1997).
160. *T.-C. Chiang, "Surface and bulk photoemission: some old problems and new findings," Chinese J. Phys. 35, 496-508 (1997).
161. *T.-C. Chiang, "Photoelectron holography studies of surfaces," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Frontiers of Physics, Looking to the 21st Century, edited by L.-F. Li, K. K. Phua, S. S. M. Wong, and B.–L. Young, Shantou, China (World Scientific, Singapore, 1997), 259.
162. R. D. Aburano, H. Hong, K.-S. Chung, M. C. Nelson, P. Zschack, H. Chen, and T.-C. Chiang, "C60/Ge(100)-(2x1) interfacial structure," Phys. Rev. B 57, 6636 (1998).
163. E. D. Hansen, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Observation of photoemission line widths narrower than the inverse lifetime," Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1766 (1998).
164. T. Kidd, R. D. Aburano, H. Hong, T. Gog, and T.-C. Chiang, "Structural determination of the C60/Ge(111) interface via x-ray diffraction," Surf. Sci. 397, 185 (1998).
165. D.-A. Luh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Three dimensional atomic images of As/Si(111) obtained by derivative photoelectron holography," Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4160 (1998).
166. J. J. Paggel, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quasiparticle lifetime in macroscopically uniform Ag/Fe(100) quantum wells," Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5632 (1998).
167. J. M. Roesler, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoelectron holography studies of Bi on Si(111)," Surf. Sci. Lett. 417, L1143 (1998).
168. Z. Wu, H. Hong, R. Aburano, P. Zschack, P. Jamine, J. Tischler, H. Chen, D. A. Luh, and T.-C. Chiang, "Pattern of x-ray scattering by thermal phonons in Si," Phys. Rev. B 59, 3283 (1999).
169. J. J. Paggel, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission from atomic-layer-resolved quantum well states in Ag/Fe(100)," J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom. 101-103, 271 (1999).
170. D. Claesson, S.-Å. Lindgren, L. Walldén, and T.-C. Chiang, "Drastic photoemission lineshape changes in Li due to surface-bulk interference and plasmon excitations," Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1740 (1999).
171. J. J. Paggel, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum-well states as Fabry-Perot modes in a thin-film electron interferometer," Science 283, 1709 (1999). See Perspectives article "Mirrors of Electrons" by F. J. Himpsel, Science 283, 1655 (1999); News and Views article "Probing Magnetism in the Well" by S. D. Bader, Nature 398, 104 (1999); news article "Magnetische Sandwiches," Physikalische Blaetter (German equivalent of Physics Today) 18, 55 (1999);Physics in Actionarticle "Quantum-State Engineering in Metals" by J. E.Ortega, Physics World (UK equivalent of Physics Today) 12, 20 (1999).
172. T. E. Kidd, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Core level analysis of the surface charge density wave transition in Sn/Ge(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2789 (1999).
173. *T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission linewidths narrower than the quasiparticle inverse lifetime," Chemical Physics 251, 133 (2000).
174. M. Holt, Z. Wu, Hawoong Hong, P. Zschack, P. Jemian, J. Tischler, Haydn Chen, and T.-C. Chiang, "Determination of phonon dispersions from x-ray transmission scattering: the example of silicon," Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 3317 (1999).
175. J. J. Paggel, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Temperature dependent complex band structure and electron-phonon coupling in Ag," Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1415 (1999).
176. D.-A. Luh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Self-normalizing methods of photoelectron holography applied to As/Si(111)," Phys. Rev. B 60, 16722 (1999).
177. J. J. Paggel, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Occupied and unoccupied band structure of Ag(100) determined by photoemission from Ag quantum wells and bulk samples," Phys. Rev. B 61, 1804 (2000).
178. J. J. Paggel, T. Miller, D.-A. Luh, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum well photoemission from atomically uniform Ag films: determination of electronic band structure and quasi-particle lifetime in Ag(100)," Appl. Surf. Sci. 162-163, 78 (2000).
179. Hawoong Hong, Z. Wu, T.-C. Chiang, P. Zschack, P. Jemian, Haydn Chen, and R. D. Aburano, "Reflection surface x-ray diffraction patterns and k space images," Rev. Sci. Instr. 71, 3132 (2000).
180. P. J. E. Reese, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Derivative photoelectron holography of As/Si(001)," Surf. Sci. 445, 400 (2000).
181. D.-A. Luh, J. J. Paggel, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "d-band quantum well states," Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3410 (2000).
182. T. E. Kidd, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Erratum: core level analysis of the surface charge density wave transition in Sn/Ge(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3023 (2000).
183. *T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission studies of quantum well states in thin films," Surf. Sci. Rep. 39, 181 (2000).
184. J. Z. Tischler, G. Eres, D. H. Lowndes, G. C. Larson, M. Yoon, T-C. Chiang, and P. Zschack, "In situ x-ray surface diffraction chamber for pulsed laser ablation film growth studies," Eleventh U. S. National Synchrotron Radiation Conference (SRI '99) October 13-15, 1999, editors P. Pianetta, H. Winick, J. Arthur, and S. Brennan, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA, AIP Conf. Proc. 521 (American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2000), 151-155.
185. M. Holt and T.-C. Chiang, "Reply to comment on "Determination of phonon dispersions from x-ray transmission scattering: the example of silicon"," Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3734 (2000).
186. T. E. Kidd, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "The Sn/Ge(111) surface charge-density-wave phase transition," Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3684 (2000).
187. M. Holt, Z. Wu, H. Hong, P. Zschack, P. Jemian, J. Tischler, H. Chen, and T.-C. Chiang, "Determination of phonon dispersions from x-ray transmission scattering: the example of silicon," Advanced Photon Source Research, 3, 5 (2000).
188. *T. Miller and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission spectral lineshapes from metal overlayers," J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom, 117-118, 413 (2001).
189. *T. Miller, J. J. Paggel, D.-A. Luh, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum-well photoemission spectroscopy of atomically uniform films," J. Electron Spectrosc. Rel. Phenom. 114-116, 513 (2001).
190. *T. Miller and T.-C. Chiang, "Lineshape effects in photoemission from the valence states of metals," J. Phys. Cond. Matter, 13, 11115 (2001).
191. *T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission spectroscopy in solids," Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 10, 61 (2001).
192. P. J. E. Reese, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoelectron holographic studies of As/Si(100) with sub-Angstrom resolution," Phys. Rev. B 64, 113 409 (2001).
193. P. J. E. Reese, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoelectron holography of the In-terminated Si(001)-(4x3) surface," Phys. Rev. B 64, 233 307 (2001).
194. M. Holt, P. Zschack, H. Hong, M. Y. Chou, and T.-C. Chiang, "X-ray studies of phonon softening in TiSe2," Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3799 (2001).
195. D.-A. Luh, T. Miller, J. J. Paggel, M. Y. Chou, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum electronic stability of atomically uniform films," Science 292, 1131 (2001). See This Week in Science, "Turning Up the Heat on Uniform Thin Films", <http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol292/issue5519/ twis.shtml>.
196. *T.-C. Chiang, "Differential photoelectron holography," J. Phys. Cond. Matter 13, 10577 (2001).
197. D.-A. Luh, T. Miller, J. J. Paggel, and T.-C. Chiang, "Large electron-phonon coupling at an interface," Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 256802 (2002).
198. T. E. Kidd, T. Miller, M.-Y. Chou, and T.-C. Chiang, "Reply to comment on "Sn/Ge(111) surface charge-density-wave phase transition"," Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 189702 (2002).
199. *T.-C. Chiang, M. Y. Chou, T. Kidd, and T. Miller, "Fermi surfaces and energy gaps in Sn/Ge(111)," J. Phys. Cond. Matter 14, R1 (2002).
200. T. E. Kidd, T. Miller, M.-Y. Chou, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electron-hole coupling and the charge density wave transition in TiSe2," Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 226402 (2002).
201. H. Hong, Z. Wu, T.-C. Chiang, P. Zschack, and H. Chen, "Time-resolved reflection surface x-ray diffraction," Rev. Sci. Instr. 73, 1720 (2002).
202. M. Holt, P. Czoschke, H. Hong, P. Zschack, H. K. Birnbaum, and T.-C. Chiang, "Phonon dispersions in niobium determined by x-ray transmission scattering," Phys. Rev. B 66, 064303 (2002).
203. J. J. Paggel, C. M. Wei, M. Y. Chou, D.-A. Luh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Atomic-layer-resolved quantum oscillations in work function: theory and experiment for Ag/Fe(100)," Phys. Rev. B 66, 233403 (2002).
204. H. Hong, C.-M. Wei, M. Y. Chou, Z. Wu, L. Basile, H. Chen, M. Holt, and T.-C. Chiang, "Alternating layer and island growth of Pb on Si by spontaneous quantum phase separation," Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 076104 (2003).
205. D.-S. Lin, J. L. Wu, S.-Y. Pan, and T.-C. Chiang, "Atomistics of Ge deposition on Si(100) by atomic layer epitaxy," Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 046102 (2003).
206. J. Wong, M. Krisch, D. L. Farber, F. Occelli, A. J. Schwartz, T.-C. Chiang, M. Wall, C. Boro, and R. Xu, "Phonon dispersions of fcc delta-plutonium-gallium by inelastic x-ray scattering," Science 301, 1078 (2003). See Perspective article "Sensing electrons on the edge", G. Lander, Science 301, 1057 (2003).
207. P. Czoschke, H. Hong, L. Basile, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum oscillations in the layer structure of thin metal films," Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 226801 (2003).
208. S. Snow, J. F. Karpus, S. L. Cooper, T. E. Kidd, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum melting of the charge density wave state in 1T-TiSe2," Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 136402 (2003).
209. J. Wong, M. Wall, A. J. Schwartz, R. Xu, M. Holt, H. Hong, P. Zschack, and T.-C. Chiang, "Imaging phonons in an fcc Pu-Ga alloy by thermal diffuse x-ray scattering," Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3747 (2004).
210. M. Upton, C. M. Wei, M. Y. Chou, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Thermal stability and electronic structure of atomically uniform films of Pb on Si(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 026802 (2004).
211. J. J. Paggel, D.-A. Luh, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic structure dependence of the electron-phonon interaction in Ag," Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 186803 (2004).
212. L. Basile, Hawoong Hong, P. Czoschke, and T.-C. Chiang, "X-ray studies of the growth of smooth Ag films on Ge(111)-c(2x8)," Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 4995 (2004).
213. P. Czoschke, L. Basile, Hawoong Hong, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum beating patterns observed in the energetics of Pb film nanostructures," Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 036103 (2004).
214. M. H. Upton, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Absolute determination of film thickness from photoemission: application to atomically uniform films of Pb on Si," Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1235 (2004).
215. S.-J. Tang, L. Basile, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Breakup of quasiparticles in thin-film quantum wells," Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 216804 (2004).
216. D. A. Ricci, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Chemical tuning of metal-semiconductor interfaces," Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 136801 (2004).
217. *T.-C. Chiang, "Superconductivity in thin films," Science 306, 1900 (2004).
218. M. H. Upton, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Unusual band dispersion in Pb films on Si(111)," Phys. Rev. B 71, 033403 (2005).
219. *T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum electronic effects on the properties and growth of thin films and nanostructures," Chinese J. Phys. 43, 154 (2005).
220. Joe Wong, M. Krisch, D. L. Farber, F. Occelli, R. Xu, T.-C. Chiang, A. J. Schwartz, M. Wall, and C. Boro, "Crystal dynamics of fcc Pu-Ga by high resolution inelastic x-ray scattering," Phys. Rev. B 72, 064115 (2005).
221. *R. Xu and T.-C. Chiang, "X-ray thermal diffuse scattering measurements of phonon dispersion relations," Z. Krist. 220, 1009 (2005).
222. S.-S. Ferng, C.-T. Lin, K.-M. Yang, D.-S. Lin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Atomistic view of the recombinative desorption of H2 from H/Si(100)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 196103 (2005).
223. M. H. Upton, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Reply to Comment on "Thermal Stability and Electronic Structure of Atomically Uniform Pb Films on Si(111)"," Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 079702 (2005).
224. P. Czoschke, H. Hong, L. Basile, and T.-C. Chiang, "Surface x-ray-diffraction study and quantum well analysis of the growth and atomic-layer structure of ultrathin Pb/Si(111) films," Phys. Rev. B 72, 035305 (2005).
225. P. Czoschke, H. Hong, L. Basile, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum size effects in the surface energy of Pb/Si(111) film nanostructures studied by surface x-ray diffraction and model calculations," Phys. Rev. B 72, 075402 (2005).
226. D. A. Ricci, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Controlling the thermal stability of thin films by interfacial engineering," Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 266101 (2005). See Research Highlight "Nanomaterials: A rather odd film," Nature 439, 120 (2006).
227. S.-J. Tang, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Modification of surface states in ultrathin films via hybridization with the substrate – a study of Ag on Ge," Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 036802 (2006).
228. S.-J. Tang, S. Kodambaka, W. Swiech, I. Petrov, C. P. Flynn, and T.-C. Chiang, "Sublimation of atomic layers from a chromium surface," Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 126106 (2006).
229. D.-S. Lin and T.-C. Chiang, "Reply to comment on "Atomistic view of the recombinative desorption of H2 from H/Si(100)"," Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 209602 (2006).
230. S.-J. Tang, Y.-R. Lee, S.-L. Chang, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Umklapp-mediated quantization of electronic states in Ag films on Ge(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 216803 (2006).
231. N. J. Speer, S.-J. Tang, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Coherent electronic fringe structure in incommensurate silver-silicon quantum wells," Science 314, 804 (2006). See Research/Researchers news article "Quantum coherence possible in incommensurate electronic systems," MRS Bulletin, 31, 969 (2006) and Perspective article "Beyond the particle in the box," by Lars Walldén, Science 314, 769 (2006).
232. K.-M. Yang, R. Y. Chung, M. F. Hsieh, S.-S. Ferng, D.-S. Lin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Systematic variations in apparent topographic height as measured by noncontact atomic force microscopy," Phys. Rev. B 74, 193313 (2006).
233. M. Holt, M. Sutton, P. Zschack, H. Hong, and T.-C. Chiang, "Dynamic fluctuations and static speckle in critical X-ray scattering from SrTiO3," Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 065501 (2007).
234. C. Rau, V. Crecea, C.-P. Richter, K. M. Peterson, R. R. Jemian, U. Neuhäusler, G. Schneider, X. Yu, P. V. Braun, T.-C. Chiang, and I. K. Robinson, "Imaging of micro- and nano-structures with hard x-rays," Micro Nano Lett. 2, 1 (2007).
235. H. Hong, L. Basile, P. Czoschke, A. Gray, and T.-C. Chiang, "Self organization of Pb islands on Si(111) caused by quantum size effects," Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 051911 (2007).
236. H. Hong and T.-C. Chiang, "A six-circle diffractometer system for synchrotron x-ray studies of surfaces and thin film growth by molecular beam epitaxy," Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 572, 942 (2007).
237. C. Rau, V. Crecea, W. Liu, C.-P. Richter, K. M. Peterson, P. R. Jemian, U. Neuhäusler, G. Schneider, X. Yu, P. V. Braun, T.-C. Chiang, and I.K. Robinson, "Synchrotron-based imaging and tomography with hard x-rays," Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 261, 850 (2007).
238. Y.-R. Lee, A. Gray, J. Tischler, P. Czoschke, H. Hong, S.-L. Chang, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum oscillations and beats in x-ray reflection during film growth," Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 156103 (2007).
239. Ruqing Xu, Joe Wong, Paul Zschack, Hawoong Hong, and T.-C. Chiang, "Soft phonons in δ-phase plutonium near the δ-α' transition," EuroPhys. Lett. 82, 26001 (2008).
240. Y. Liu, N. J. Speer, S.-J. Tang, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Interface-induced complex electronic interference structures in Ag films on Ge(111)," Phys. Rev. B 78, 035443 (2008).
241. *T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum physics of thin metal films," Bulletin of AAPPS (Association of Asia Pacific Physics Societies), 18, No. 2, 2-10 (2008).
242. S.-J. Tang, Wen-Kai Chang, Yu-Mei Chiu, Hsin-Yi Chen, Cheng-Maw Cheng, Ku-Ding Tsuei, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Enhancement of subband effective mass in Ag/Ge(111) thin film quantum wells," Phys. Rev. B 78, 245407 (2008).
243. R. Xu, H. Hong, P. Zschack, and T.-C. Chiang, "Direct mapping of phonon dispersion relations in copper by momentum-resolved x-ray calorimetry," Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 085504 (2008).
244. H. Hong, R. Xu, A. Alatas, M. Holt, and T.-C. Chiang, "Central peak and narrow component in x-ray scattering near the displacive phase transition in SrTiO3," Phys. Rev. B 78, 104121 (2008).
245. Y. Liu, J. J. Paggel, M. H. Upton, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantized electronic structure and growth behavior of Pb films on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite," Phys. Rev. B 78, 235437 (2008).
246. Kedong Wang, Xieqiu Zhang, M. M. T. Loy, T.-C. Chiang, and X. Xiao, "Pseudogap mediated by quantum-size effects in lead islands," Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 076801 (2009).
247. *R. Xu, H. Hong, and T.-C. Chiang, "Probing phonons and phase transitions in solids with x-ray thermal diffuse scattering," Chapter 10 in Diffuse Scattering and the Fundamental Properties of Materials, edited by Rozaliya I. Barabash, Gene E. Ice, and Patrice E.A.Turchi (Momentum Press, Highland Park, NJ, 2009) pp. 161-178.
248. S. S. Ferng, S. T. Wu, D. S. Lin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Mediation of chain reactions by propagating radicals during halogenation of H-masked Si(100): implications for atomic-scale lithography and processing," J. Chem. Phys. 130, 164706 (2009).
249. N. J. Speer, M. K. Brinkley, Y. Liu, C. M. Wei, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Surface versus bulk electronic structure of silver determined by photoemission," EuroPhys. Lett. 88, 67004 (2009).
250. T. Miller, M. Y. Chou, and T.-C. Chiang, "Phase relations associated with one-dimensional shell effects in thin metal films," Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 236803 (2009).
251. D. A. Ricci, Y. Liu, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Analyticity of the phase shift and reflectivity of electrons at a metal-semiconductor interface," Phys. Rev. B 79, 195433 (2009).
252. C.-T. Lou, H.-D. Li, J.-Y. Chung, D.-S. Lin, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic reconstruction at a buried ionic-covalent interface driven by surface reactions," Phys. Rev. B 80, 195311 (2009).
253. M. K. Brinkley, Y. Liu, N. J. Speer, T. J. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Using electronic coherence to probe a deeply embedded quantum well in bimetallic Pb/Ag films on Si(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 246801 (2009).
254. Y. Liu, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Coherent electronic grating cavity modes in corrugated ultrathin metal films," Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 243114 (2009).
255. G. Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic structure and surface-mediated metastability of Bi films on Si(111)-7x7 studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy," Phys. Rev. B 80, 245407 (2009).
256. *R. Xu and T.-C. Chiang, "Studying structural phase transitions with x-ray thermal diffuse scattering," Phase Transitions 83, 99 (2010).
257. Yang Liu, Longxiang Zhang, M. K. Brinkley, Guang Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Phonon-induced gaps in graphite/graphene observed by angle-resolved photoemission," Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 136804 (2010).
258. Hawoong Hong, Aaron Gray, Ruqing Xu, Longxiang Zhang, and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum growth of a metal/insulator system: lead on sapphire," Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 241908 (2010).
259. Hawoong Hong, Mary Upton, Ayman Said, Hyun-Sook Lee, Sung-Ik Lee, Ruqing Xu, and T.-C. Chiang, "Phonon dispersions and anomalies of MgCNi3 single-crystal superconductors determined by inelastic x-ray scattering," Phys. Rev. B 82, 134535 (2010).
260. *T. Miller and T.-C. Chiang, "Quantum electronic stability of atomically uniform films," Chapter 2 in "Thin film growth: physics, materials science and applications" edited by Zexian Cao (Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK) (2011).
261. M. K. Brinkley, N. J. Speer, Y. Liu, T. Miller, T.-C. Chiang, "Apparent quantum-number paradox in Ag quantum wells on Si(111)," EuroPhys. Lett. 96, 67013 (2011).
262. Hawoong Hong, A. Gray, and T.-C. Chiang, "Real time reciprocal space mapping of nano-islands induced by quantum confinement," Met. Mater. Trans. A 42, #1, 32 (2011).
263. M. Krisch, D. L. Farber, R. Xu, D. Antonangeli, C. M. Aracne, A. Beraud, T.-C. Chiang, J. Zarestky, D. Y. Kim, E. Isaev, R. Ahuja, and B. Johansson, "Phonons of the anomalous element cerium," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 108, 9342 (2011).
264. G. Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Passage from spin-polarized surface states to unpolarized quantum well states in topologically nontrivial Sb films," Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 036802 (2011). Selected for cover image of Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 107, Issue 3 (July 15, 2011): http://prl.aps.org/toc/PRL/v107/i3
265. Hong-Dao Li, Chan-Yuen Chang, Ling-Ying Chien, Shih-Hsin Chang, T.-C. Chiang, and Deng-Sung Lin, "Adsorption and abstraction reactions of HCl on a single Si(100) dangling bond," Phys. Rev. B 83, 075403 (2011).
266. S.-J. Tang, Chang-Yeh Lee, Chien-Chung Huang, Tay-Rong Chang, Wen-Kai Chang, Cheng-Maw Cheng, Ku-Ding Tsuei, H.-T. Jeng, V. Yeh, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic versus lattice match for metal-semiconductor epitaxial growth: Pb on Ge(111)," Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 066802 (2011). Highlighted in NPG Asia Materials, "Thin films: The electronic competition," doi:10.1038/asiamat.2011.164, published online Oct. 31, 2011.
267. Y. Liu, G. Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Visualizing electronic chirality and Berry phases in graphene systems using photoemission with circularly polarized light," Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 166803 (2011). Chosen as a PRL Editors' Suggestion and highlighted in a viewpoint article: Thomas Pichler, "Unraveling electron chirality in graphene," Physics 4, 79 (2011).
268. Guang Bian, Xiaoxiong Wang, Yang Liu, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Symmetry-constrained reorganization of Dirac cones in topological insulators by surface modification," Phys. Rev. B 84, 235414 (2011).
269. Y. Liu, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic structure and trilayer growth of indium films on Si(111): a photoemission study," J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 365302 (2011).
270. Xiaoxiong Wang, Guang Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Fragility of surface states and robustness of topological order in Bi2Se3 against oxidation," Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 096404 (2012).
271. Guang Bian, Longxiang Zhang, Yang Liu, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Illuminating the surface spin texture of the giant-Rashba quantum-well system Bi/Ag(111) by circularly-polarized photoemission," Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 186403 (2012).
272. Guang Bian, Xiaoxiong Wang, Yang Liu, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Interfacial protection of topological surface states in ultrathin Sb films," Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 176401 (2012).
273. Yang Liu, Guang Bian, T. Miller, M. Bissen, and T.-C. Chiang, "Topological limit of ultrathin quasi-freestanding Bi2Te3 films grown on Si(111)," Phys. Rev. B 85, 195442 (2012).
274. Manami Ogawa, Aaron Gray, P. M. Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, Hawoong Hong, Lin Chung Huang, Shu Jung Tang, Katsuyoshi Kobayashi, Carlo Carbone, T.-C. Chiang, and Iwao Matsuda, "Controlling the topology of Fermi surfaces in metal nanofilms," Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 026802 (2012).
275. J. Bisognano, R. Bosch, D. Eisert, M. Fisher, M. Green, K. Jacobs, R. Keil, K. Kleman, J. Kulpin, J. Lawler, G. Rogers, R. Wehlitz, D. Yavuz, R. C. York, R. Legg, T.-C. Chiang, and T. Miller, "Design alternatives for a free electron laser facility," Proceedings of the 2012 International Particle Accelerator Conference, 1777 (2012).
276. Xiaoxiong Wang, Guang Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Topological spin-polarized charge layer above the surface of Ca-terminated Bi2Se3," Phys. Rev. B 87, 035109 (2013).
277. Guang Bian, Xiaoxiong Wang, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Topological phase transition and Dirac fermion transfer in Bi2Se3 films," EuroPhys. Lett. 101, 27004 (2013), selected for EPL Highlights of 2013.
278. P.J. Kowalczyk, O. Mahapatra, S.A. Brown, G. Bian, X. Wang, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic size effects in three-dimensional nanostructures," Nano Lett. 13, 43 (2013).
279. Xiaoxiong Wang, Guang Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Topological quantum well resonances in metal overlayers," Phys. Rev. B 87, 235113 (2013).
280. A. Gray, Yang Liu, Hawoong Hong, and T.-C. Chiang, "X-ray diffraction studies of trilayer oscillations in the preferred thickness of In films on Si(111)," Phys. Rev. B 87, 195415 (2013).
281. G. Bian, X. Wang, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Origin of the giant Rashba spin splitting in Bi/Ag surface alloys," Phys. Rev. B 88, 085427 (2013).
282. Y. Liu, H.-H. Wang, G. Bian, Z. Zhang, S. S. Lee, P. A. Fenter, J. Z. Tischler, H. Hong, and T. -C. Chiang, "Interfacial bonding and structure of Bi2Te3 topological insulator films on Si(111) determined by surface X-ray scattering," Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 226103 (2013).
283. J. E. Lawler, J. Bisognano, R. A. Bosch, T. C. Chiang, M. A. Green, K. Jacobs, T. Miller, R. Wehlitz, D. Yavuz, and R. C. York, "Nearly copropagating sheared laser pulse FEL undulator for soft x-rays," J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 325501 (2013).
284. Y. I. Joe, X. M. Chen, P. Ghaemi, K. D. Finkelstein, G. A. de la Peña, Y. Gan, J. C. T. Lee, S. Yuan, J. Geck, G. J. MacDougall, T. C. Chiang, S. L. Cooper, E. Fradkin, P. Abbamonte, "Emergence of charge density wave domain walls above the superconducting dome in 1T-TiSe2" Nature Phys. 10, 421 (2014).
285. Xiaoxiong Wang and T.-C. Chiang, "Internal chiral spin structure of topological-insulator/metal superlattices," EuroPhys. Lett. 106, 37008 (2014).
286. Shih-Chang Weng, Ruqing Xu, Ayman H. Said, Bogdan M. Leu, Yang Ding, Hawoong Hong, Xinyue Fang, M. Y. Chou, A. Bosak, P. Abbamonte, S. L. Cooper, E. Fradkin, S.-L. Chang, and T.-C. Chiang, "Pressure-induced antiferrodistortive phase transition in SrTiO3: common scaling of soft-mode with pressure and temperature," EuroPhys. Lett. 107, 36006 (2014).
287. P.J. Kowalczyk, O. Mahapatra, S.A. Brown, G. Bian, and T.-C. Chiang, "STM driven modification of bismuth nanostructures," Surf. Sci. 621, 140 (2014).
288. Xiaoxiong Wang and T.-C. Chiang, "Topological states in Bi2Se3 surfaces created by cleavage within a quintuple layer – analysis in terms of the Shockley criterion," Phys. Rev. B 89, 125109 (2014).
289. M. K. Dalai, B. R. Sekhar, D. Biswas, S. Thakur, T. -C. Chiang, D. Samal, C. Martin, and K. Maiti, "Valence band study of Sm0.1Ca0.9 − xSrxMnO3 using high resolution ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy," Phys. Rev. B 89, 245131 (2014).
290. G. Bian, X. Wang, T. Miller, T.-C. Chiang, P. J. Kowalczyk, O. Mahapatra, and S. A. Brown, "First-principles and spectroscopic studies of Bi(110) films: thickness-dependent Dirac modes and property oscillations," Phys. Rev. B 90, 195409 (2014).
291. Jie Ren, Guang Bian, Li Fu, Chang Liu, Tao Wang, Gangqiang Zha, Wanqi Jie, Madhab Neupane, T. Miller, M. Z. Hasan, and T.-C. Chiang, "Electronic structure of quantum spin Hall parent compound CdTe and related topological issues," Phys. Rev. B 90, 205211 (2014).
292. *Guang Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Rashba splitting and dichroism of surface states in Bi/Ag surface alloy," J. Elect. Spectro. Rel. Phenom. 201, 36 (2015).
293. Man-Hong Wong, G. Bian, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Topological phase transitions in antimony without gap parity reversal," EuroPhys. Lett. 109, 17005 (2015).
294. P. J. Kowalczyk, O. Mahapatra, D. Belić, S. A. Brown, G. Bian, and T.-C. Chiang, "Origin of the Moiré pattern in thin Bi films deposited on HOPG," Phys. Rev. B 91, 045434 (2015).
295. J. Feng, X. Chen, T.-C. Chiang, W. Wan, and H. A. Padmore, "Reduction of intrinsic emittance of metal photocathodes using ordered surfaces," (submitted).
296. Xiaoxiong Wang, Guang Bian, Peng Wang, and T.-C. Chiang, "Dirac semimetal films as spin conductors on topological substrates," Phys. Rev. B 91, 125103 (2015).
297. Jie Ren, Li Fu, Guang Bian, Manhong Wong, Tao Wang, Gangqiang Zha, Wanqi Jie, T. Miller, M. Z. Hasan, and T.-C. Chiang, "Spectroscopic studies of CdTe(111) bulk and surface electronic structure," Phys. Rev. B B 91, 235303 (2015).
298. C.-Z. Xu, Y. Liu, R. Yukawa, L.-X. Zhang, I. Matsuda, T. Miller, and T.-C. Chiang, "Photoemission circular dichroism and spin polarization of the topological surface states in ultrathin Bi2Te3 films," Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 016801 (2015). Chosen as an Editors' Suggestion.
299. A. Kogar, S. Vig, A. Thaler, M.H. Wong, Y. Xiao, D. Reig-i-Plessis, G.Y. Cho, T. Valla, Z. Pan, J. Schneeloch, R. Zhong, G. Gu, T.L. Hughes, G.J. MacDougall, T.-C. Chiang, and P. Abbamonte, "Surface collective modes in the topological insulators Bi2Se3 and Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3−xSex," Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 257402 (2015).
300. A. B. Mei, O. Hellman, C. Schlepütz, A. Rockett, T.-C. Chiang, L. Hultman, I. Petrov, and J. E. Greene, "Reflection thermal diffuse x-ray scattering for quantitative determination of phonon dispersion relations," Phys. Rev. B 92, 174301 (2015). Chosen as an Editors' Suggestion.
301. P. Chen, Y.-H. Chan, X.-Y. Fang, Y. Zhang, M. Y. Chou, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, A.-V. Fedorov, and T.-C. Chiang, "Charge density wave transition in single-layer TiSe2," Nature Commun. 6, 8943 (2015).
302. Guang Bian, Caizhi Xu, Tay-Rong Chang, Xiaoxiong Wang, Saavanth Velury, Jie Ren, Hao Zheng, T. Miller, M. Zahid Hasan, and T.-C. Chiang, "Direct transition resonance in atomically uniform topological Sb(111) thin films," Phys. Rev. B 92, 241401(R) (2015).
303. Guang Bian, Z. F. Wang, Xiaoxiong Wang, Caizhi Xu, Su-Yang Xu, T. Miller, M. Zahid Hasan, Feng Liu, and T.-C. Chiang, "Engineering electronic structure of a 2D topological insulator Bi(111) bilayer on Sb nanofilms by quantum confinement effect," ACS Nano, 10, 3859 (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b00987
304. Han-De Chen, Ko-Hsiang Chien, Cho-Ying Lin, Tai-Chang Chiang, and Deng-Sung Lin, "Few-layer silicon films on the Ag(111) surface," J. Phys. Chem. C, 120, 2698 (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b10208
305. Jie Ren, Li Fu, Guang Bian, Jie Su, Hao Zhang, Ryu Yukawa, Longxiang Zhang, Tao Wang, Gangqiang Zha, Wanqi Jie, Rongrong Guo, Tom Miller, M. Z. Hasan, and Tai-Chang Chiang, "An effective approach to improving cadmium telluride (111)A surface by molecular-beam-epitaxy growth of tellurium monolayer," ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 726 (2016). DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b09863
306. P. Chen, Y.-H. Chan, X.-Y. Fang, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, A.-V. Fedorov, M.Y. Chou, and T.-C. Chiang, "Hidden order and dimensional crossover of the charge density waves in TiSe2," Sci. Rep. (accepted).
307. Meng-Kai Lin, Yasuo Nakayama, Ying-Jie Zhuang, Kai-Jun Su, Chin-Yung Wang, Tunwen Pi, Sebastian Metz, Theodoros Papadopoulo, Tai-Chang Chiang, Hisao Ishii, and Shu-Jung Tang, "Control of the dipole layer of polar organic molecules on metal surfaces via different charge-transfer channels," (submitted).
308. P. Chen, Y.-H. Chan, M.-H. Wong, X.-Y. Fang, M. Y. Chou, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, A.-V. Fedorov, and T.-C. Chiang, "Dimensional effects on the charge density waves in ultrathin films of TiSe2," Nano Lett. (accepted) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b02710.
309. Xiaoxiong Wang, Peng Wang, Guang Bian, and T.-C. Chiang, "Topological phase transitions in stanene and stanene-like systems by scaling the spin-orbit coupling," EuroPhys. Lett. 115, 37010 (2016).
310. Hawoong Hong, Jongjin Kim, Xinyue Fang, Seungbum Hong, and T.-C. Chiang, "Interfacial stability of ultrathin films of magnetite Fe3O4 (111) on Al2O3(001) grown by ozone-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy," (submitted).
311. S. Ito, B. Feng, M. Arita, A. Takayama, R.-Y. Liu, T. Someya, W.-C. Chen, T. Iimori, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, C.-M. Cheng, S.-J. Tang, F. Komori, K. Kobayashi, T.-C. Chiang, and I. Matsuda, "Proving nontrivial topology of pure bismuth by quantum confinement," Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted). Chosen as an Editors' Suggestion.
312. Baojie Feng, Yang-Hao Chan, Ya Feng, Ro-Ya Liu, Mei-Yin Chou, Kenta Kuroda, Koichiro Yaji, Ayumi Harasawa, Paolo Moras, Alexei Barinov, Walid G. Malaeb, Cédric Bareille, Takeshi Kondo, Shik Shin, Fumio Komori, Tai-Chang Chiang, Youguo Shi, and Iwao Matsuda, "Observation of spin texture in type II Weyl semimetal WTe2," Phys. Rev. B (accepted).
313. Baojie Feng, Osamu Sugino, Ro-Ya Liu, Jin Zhang, Ryu Yukawa, Mitsuaki Kawamura, Takushi Iimori, Howon Kim, Yukio Hasegawa, Hui Li, Lan Chen, Kehui Wu, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Fumio Komori, Tai-Chang Chiang, Sheng Meng, Iwao Matsuda, "Observation of massless Dirac fermions in a monolayer boron sheet," (submitted).
314. Baojie Feng, Botao Fu, Shusuke Kasamatsu, Suguru Ito, Peng Cheng, Cheng-Cheng Liu, Sanjoy K. Mahatha, Polina Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, Masashi Arita, Osamu Sugino, Tai-Chang Chiang, Kehui Wu, Lan Chen, Yugui Yao, and Iwao Matsuda, "Discovery of two-dimensional Dirac nodal line fermions," (submitted).
315. Cai-Zhi Xu, Yang-Hao Chan, Yige Chen, Peng Chen, Xiao-Xiong Wang, Catherine Dejoie, Man-Hong Wong, Joseph Andrew Hlevyack, Hyejin Ryu, Hae-Young Kee, Nobumichi Tamura, Mei-Yin Chou, Zahid Hussain, Sung-Kwan Mo, and Tai-Chang Chiang, "Elemental topological Dirac semimetal: α-Sn on InSb(111)," (submitted).
316. Xiaoxiong Wang, Caizhi Xu, Huanzhi Hu, Peng Wang, Guang Bian, Weishi Tan, S.A. Brown, and T.-C. Chiang, "Topological phase stability and transformation of bismuthene," (submitted).
Other Publications
Tai C. Chiang and Joseph Bisognano, "The End of an Era: Retirement of the Synchrotron Radiation Center," Synchrotron Radiation News, 27 (#5), 31 (2014). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/08940886.2014.952216
David W. Lynch, Ward Plummer, Franz Himpsel, Tai C. Chiang, Giorgio Margaritondo, and Gerry Lapeyre, "Tantalus, the First Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation Source," Synchrotron Radiation News, 28 (#4), 20 (2015). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08940886.2015.1059232#abstract