![]() Simple and inexpensive levitation -- no batteries, no liquid nitrogen, and no complicated electronics Adhesive Effectiveness at LN2 Temperatures A list of common adhesives and their reliability at 77 K, determined by a simple test procedure. Reference ARPES Spectra Taken Using a Scienta VUV5k Lamp and a Scienta R4000 Analyzer Calibration information for Scienta VUV5k Lamp, using Bismuth Selenide as a sample spectra and a Scienta R4000 ARPES analyzer. Synchrotrons Advanced Light Source (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) The Advanced Light Source (APS) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory provides ultra-bright synchotron-generated light, and is of critical importance to scientific studies that use low-energy soft x-rays. ![]()
The ALS is one of the world's brightest sources of ultraviolet and soft x-ray light, and is capable of producing a wide spectrum of wavelengths, ranging even into the infrared regime. The wide spectrum of light it produces makes it ideal for scientists from diverse fields such as Biology, Physics, environmental science, chemistry, and materials science to perform their unique probes of microscopic structures. Advanced Photon Source (Argonne) The Advanced Photon Source (APS) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory provides ultra-bright, high-energy storage ring-generated x-ray beams for research in almost all scientific disciplines. ![]()
These x-rays allow scientists to pursue new knowledge about the structure and function of materials in the center of the Earth, in outer space, and all points in between. The knowledge gained from this research is impacting the evolution of combustion engines and microcircuits, aiding in the development of new pharmaceuticals, and pioneering nanotechnologies whose scale is measured in billionths of a meter, to name just a few examples. These studies promise to have far-reaching impact on our technology, economy, health, and our fundamental knowledge of the materials that make up our world. Synchrotron Radation Center (University of Wisconsin-Madison) The Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC), located in Stoughton, Wisconsin and operated by the University of Wisconsin–Madison, was a national synchrotron light source research facility, operating the Aladdin storage ring.
From 1968-1987 SRC was the home of Tantalus, the first storage ring dedicated to the production of synchrotron radiation. ![]() In February 2014 the facility director, Joe Bisognano, announced that the center would be closing.[12] The final beam run was completed March 7, 2014, after which the process of dismantling and disposing of the equipment began.
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