This poor little new guy still doesn't know exactly what to do for his next five years. But stay tuned! He has decided to come up with something no one (including himself) has thought about before.
Some facts about this guy:
1. He is a joker. Ironically, the meaning of his Chinese name is seriousness. But from his face you can tell that he knows nothing about this word. Making funny remarks is the greatest enjoyment in his daily life.
2. He is a source of noise in the lab. He talks so much, so quickly, and so loudly that you can locate him with extremely high accuracy.
3. He is a threat to human population. Because he talks so much, he consumes a lot of energy; in turn, he consumes a lot of food, exacerbating the food crisis.
4. He is a science-lover. He realized this fact when he started to draw chemical structures in high school (and he still loves doing so, but now on the beach! See figure 1). Before that, he had a lot of other dream professions, such as Go (Chinese version of chess) players, linguists, and so on. After falling in love with chemistry, he spent 4 years at Peking University (a place you can find all kinds of crazy guys), as a nerd. His previous research interest was in organic electronics (Figure 2), like organic light-emitting diode for new generation flat displays. But now he has decided to do something more fundamental and universal. Let’s wish him good luck.
 Figure 1 (above). He is happily (and awkwardly) drawing his favorite molecule he has ever synthesized. For more information, please check Adv. Funct. Mater., 2009, 19, 1746, and Chem. Euro. J., 2008, 14, 7760. | | Figure 2 (below). Can you recognize him in this tight, uncomfortable clean room suit? Actually, He suffered a lot from that!
5. He is a heavy traveler. He dreamed of being a journalist because he thought that's the way he can travel around the world. But now he finds another way to do that: being a professor. His dream place is Antarctica.
6. He is an Otaku (check wiki for the definition of Otaku). That may seem contradictory to Fact 5, but he really loves to indulge himself in cartoons (particular Japanese animation), movies, and video games. His favorite animations include Gundam, Full Metal Panic, and more recently, Lelouch of the Rebellion.
Knowing these facts does not guarantee that you will have an accurate picture of him. Maybe you are still thinking about a fat monster (that’s only partially true!). The best way is to talk to him (provided you can suffer Fact 2). Here is his contact: