T. P. Desai, P. Keblinski, S. K. Kumar, and S. Granick, "Molecular
Dynamics Simulations of the Transport Properties of a Single Polymer
Chain in Two Dimensions", J. Chem. Phys. 124, 084904 (2006). [PDF]
189. L. Zhang, S. Granick, "How to Stabilize Phospholipid Liposomes (Using Nanoparticles)", Nano Lett. 6, 694 (2006). [PDF] Highlighted: Science 311, 1347 (2006) [PDF]; Nature Materials 5, 249 (2006) [PDF].
190. S. Granick and S. C. Bae, "Stressed Molecules Break Down" (News and Views), Nature 440, 160 (2006). [PDF]
191. S. Anthony, L. Zhang, S. Granick, "Methods to Track Single-Molecule Trajectories", Langmuir 22, 5266 (2006). [PDF]
192. L. Zhang, L. Hong, Y. Yu, S. C. Bae, and S. Granick,
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193. Y. Zhu, A. Mukhophadyay, and S. Granick, “Interfacial Forces and Spectroscopic Study of Confined Fluids,” Springer Handbook of Tribology, 2nd Ed., edited by B. Bhushan (2006).
194. L. Zhang, S. Granick, "Dynamical Heterogeneity in Supported Lipid Bilayers" (Invited), MRS Bulletin 31, 527 (2006).[PDF]
195. S. Granick and S. C. Bae, "Open Questions about Polymer Interfacial Diffusion" (Invited), J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. Ed. 44, 3424 (2006). [PDF]
196. L. Hong, S. Anthony, and S. Granick, "Rotation in Suspension of a Rod-Shaped Colloid", Langmuir 22, 7128 (2006). [PDF]
197. L. Hong, A. Cacciuto, E. Luijten, and S. Granick, "Clusters of charged Janus spheres," Nano Lett. 6, 2510 (2006). [PDF].
198. S. Anthony, L. Hong, M. Kim, and S. Granick, "Single-particle colloid tracking in four dimensions," Langmuir 22, 9812 (2006) . [PDF]
199. L. Hong, S. Jiang, and S. Granick, "A Simple Method to Produce
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200. A. Poynor, L. Hong, I. K. Robinson, S. Granick, Z. Zhang, P. A.
Fenter, “How Water Meets a Hydrophobic Surface,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 266101 (2006) [PDF]. Highlighted: Nature 445, 129 (2007) [PDF]. Highlighted: Nature 445, 831 (2007) [PDF].