Research Areas
The development of SAMs and the resulting capability of fine-tuning surface interactions initiated decades of exploration and modification of material surface properties. These principles have directed much of our past research, and continue to influence the types of fundamental questions we investigate today.
Whether it is through physical analysis of nanoparticles on activated surfaces, studying anisotropies of lithium insertion into nanofabricated devices, or investigating biocompatibility studies of actuatable polymers, the complexity and importance of material surface interactions remain at the core of our research group. For a more detailed look at our current research projects and interests, select a sub-group from the links below.
The catalysis subgroup uses
advanced imaging techniques,
modeling, and
physical analysis to analyze how nanoparticle catalyst bond lengths
change under different reaction conditions in order to answer
fundamental physicochemical questions.
The electrochemical subgroup uses
microfabrication and
advanced imaging techniques to characterize structures of cycled
materials, with focus on fundamental attributes of anode materials for
use in fuel cells.
3D Printing/ Soft Materials
The soft materials subgroup uses
precision 3D printing to
prepare micro-scaffolds for biological and actuation applications. We
optimize polymer and nanocomposite blends for multiple printing
Micro-Solar Cells
The solar subgroup uses
microfabrication techniques to develop and
optimize micro-solar cell arrays that are prepared via transfer
printing as
well as polymer-based light guides for efficiency improvements.